Start Learning What it Takes to Build a successful farm based business.
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Whether you're curious about that leap to a business model or looking to advance your skills one on one, get to the next level with one of our comprehensive courses.
Move Forward
A step-by-step guide to help you launch your farm business.
Profitable Plan
Understand the numbers driving your business.
Comprehensive Coaching Course
Use this proven method to guide you on your journey.
10 Week Group Coaching Live
Join Laura Jensen every Thursday at Noon for 45 minutes of coaching, educating you on how to make business decisions for your farm.
GET THE COURSE1:1 Coaching
Private Coaching sessions specific to your needs.
If you're ready to roll and need Laura to help you build now, get started today.
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Follow my Methods on How I Built A Successful Business
I hear all.the.time. that you want to learn how I operate my store. Or, specifically, you want to to know how to do the same.
So, I'm teaching you what I do everyday in my business. Now, you can do the same.
Laura Jensen, The Pig Nerd
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